In order to avoid a parcel being marked for return, please ensure the address provided at checkout is correct. You may also wish to confirm the address when you receive your order confirmation notice. We have several procedures regarding returned parcels:
If the item is returned to sender due an addressing error on our part, we will re-ship the item to you at no cost. If the item is returned to sender due to an addressing error with the information provided (or an order shipped before notice to cancel was received), we can re-ship the item or cancel the order. We do charge a reshipment fee in this case. If the order is cancelled, it will be refunded. Please note that we do not refund any shipping costs. If the item is returned to sender despite a correct address, there may be an issue within Canada Post’s system. In this case, we will reship to a nearby post office to avoid the issue reoccurring.
For health and safety reasons, all sales are final. Once products have left our store, they are considered used and cannot be returned. So all our customers have the peace of mind that products are brand new.
Our goal is to ensure that you are a satisfied customer. If you experience any issues or concerns please email us at: [email protected]
At the time of purchase, you will be directed to the “Payment” section. We accept Visa , MasterCard , American Express and PayPal and for our Canadian clients Interac Epayments. All prices on our website are in Canadian dollars (CAD$).